Eight Thousand and Eight Women with Writchristo
Eight thousand dollars ====+++==== Eight Women
This is a story on how to raise your income.
This is a story about the State of Minnesota.
I chose to begin this story in Minnesota because I live
The figure once again so there is no mistaking the amount.
Currently , in the State of Minnesota, every Minnesotan
to pay the State an extra 7,692.00 to even out the
books. In
other words to make the State debt free.
But for this story , I am going to round up the number to
$8,000.00 ( It is also the figure used from It’s A Wonderful
And just for fun, this is the amount in TAXES that must be
to the State of Minnesota.
I am going to make this real simple.
In order for each citizen to pay this amount in taxes, a
that is easy to use must be put into place.
It is a SYSTEM that is based on ACTION and not words.
Let’s face the facts here.
For those of you who don’t already
know, the Minnesota Vikings have been trying to get a stadium
built for what seems like the longest time and their words
of commitment have fallen on deaf ears in the political
So I will repeat , this SYSTEM is based on ACTION and not
Now, there is approximately 5 million or so people who call
Minnesota their home.
Yes, that’s right, over 5 million CRAZY
ACTION FIGURES for 8 Women in Minnesota.
QUESTION 1 : What would happen if I took 8 Women who
run their own business in the State of Minnesota
Taught them the SIMPLE STEPS to generate
$8,000.00 in TAXES to be paid to the State of Minnesota?
Answer: That would generate $64,000.00 for the
State of Minnesota.
Not to mention, it would greatly
improve these women’s business bottom line!
QUESTION 2: What would happen if I taught these
8 Women that the SIMPLE STEPS to take WILL only take up
15 minutes of their time and can be duplicated over
and over and over again ad nauseum.
ANSWER: The exact
figures cannot be calculated
until the program is activated but once put into
place the figures will get to be quite staggering!
QUESTION 3: How much will you be charging these
8 Entrepreneurs who are Business Women in the
State of Minnesota?
ANSWER : My Teaching fee is and always will be
$220.00 at the entry level.
Once these 8 Women
who are business entrepreneurs are taught, they
will know everything there is to know to enter
at the National Debt Training level of $10,000.00
and will be able to Mastermind if they want to
during the ORANGE RACE.
QUESTION 4 : How many business entrepreneurs
are you looking to teach in the State of Minnesota?
ANSWER: Roughly,
between 720 and 4500
QUESTION 5 : When will these business entrepreneurs
in the State of Minnesota be able to sign up to learn
more about the Simple Steps and the ORANGE RACE
Answer : JANUARY 2012 ***** LOOK FOR THE POST IN 2012
that is titled =รจ
It will be found at orangeracecardangels.blogspot.com
QUESTION 6 : Will you be holding LIVE SEMINARS?
speaking and maximum action steps.
Stay tuned Minnesota!
Respectfully in TRUTH,
Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions
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