Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions
From the desk of Chief Crazy Captain Christo
October Tenth 2010
How to Erase the National Debt starting in Minnesota
This is just a quick post to let you know that the National
Debt in the United States is at around Thirteen Trillion Dollars
that is 13,000,000,000,000 ( 13 with 12 zeros+++)
Now since no one in their right mind has even attempted this
I am just letting you know that starting January 4th 2011, I will
be the first person on the planet " crazy " enough to even try it.
I mean really, how many Chief Crazy Captain Christo's do you know?
This is going to be done in an orderly fashion but it is also going
to be extremely fun , fascinating and social. So if this sounds like
something you would be interested in learning more about, don't
be shy. Leave a comment or an idea on how you would start to
erase the national debt. Who knows maybe I will incorporate it into
my live semnars ( not a misprint) in 2011. Make the comment 20 words
or less on how to erase the national debt. The live semnars will be held
in the TWIN CITIES Minnesota. People will be paying me $10,000 as my
service fee and in return they will get.....( the keys to the kingdom so to
National Debt Training begins January 4th 2011.
Respectfully in TRUTH,
Christo Strom
aka Chief Crazy Captain Christo ( at your service+++)
P.S. This page will be adding videos in the future with updates on the progress
so come back in 2011 and check it out again. Thanks for your time in reading this
far. Now get busy, we have a National Debt to settle and it aint going to happen
on it's own!!!+++