Thursday, December 22, 2011

Eight Thousand and Eight Women with Writchristo

Eight Thousand and Eight Women with Writchristo

Eight thousand dollars ====+++==== Eight Women

This is a story on how to raise your income.
This is a story about the State of Minnesota.
I chose to begin this story in Minnesota because I live here.
The figure once again so there is no mistaking the amount.


Currently , in the State of Minnesota, every Minnesotan needs
to pay the State an extra 7,692.00 to even out the books.  In
other words to make the State debt free.

But for this story , I am going to round up the number to
$8,000.00 ( It is also the figure used from It’s A Wonderful Life)
And just for fun, this is the amount in TAXES that must be paid
to the State of Minnesota.  I am going to make this real simple.
In order for each citizen to pay this amount in taxes, a SYSTEM
that is easy to use must be put into place.

It is a SYSTEM that is based on ACTION and not words.

Let’s face the facts here.  For those of you who don’t already
know, the Minnesota Vikings have been trying to get a stadium
built for what seems like the longest time and their words
of commitment have fallen on deaf ears in the political arena.
So I will repeat , this SYSTEM is based on ACTION and not words.
Now, there is approximately 5 million or so people who call
Minnesota their home.  Yes, that’s right, over 5 million CRAZY

ACTION FIGURES for 8 Women in Minnesota.

QUESTION 1 : What would happen if I took 8 Women who
run their own business in the State of Minnesota


Taught them the SIMPLE STEPS to generate
$8,000.00 in TAXES to be paid to the State of Minnesota?

Answer: That would generate $64,000.00 for the
State of Minnesota.  Not to mention, it would greatly
improve these women’s business bottom line!

QUESTION 2: What would happen if I taught these
8 Women that the SIMPLE STEPS to take WILL only take up
15 minutes of their time and can be duplicated over
and over and over again ad nauseum. 

ANSWER:  The exact figures cannot be calculated
until the program is activated but once put into
place the figures will get to be quite staggering!

QUESTION 3: How much will you be charging these
8 Entrepreneurs who are Business Women in the
State of Minnesota?

ANSWER : My Teaching fee is and always will be
$220.00 at the entry level.  Once these 8 Women
who are business entrepreneurs are taught, they
will know everything there is to know to enter
at the National Debt Training level of $10,000.00
and will be able to Mastermind if they want to
during the ORANGE RACE.

QUESTION 4 : How many business entrepreneurs
are you looking to teach in the State of Minnesota?

ANSWER:  Roughly, between 720 and 4500

QUESTION 5 : When will these business entrepreneurs
in the State of Minnesota be able to sign up to learn
more about the Simple Steps and the ORANGE RACE

Answer : JANUARY 2012 ***** LOOK FOR THE POST IN 2012
that is titled =รจ ORANGE RACE 2012 : MINNESOTA WOMEN
It will be found at

QUESTION 6 : Will you be holding LIVE SEMINARS?

speaking and maximum action steps.

Stay tuned Minnesota!

Respectfully in TRUTH,

#OrangeRace You and what Army? Green Bay to Colorado Springs ... on Twitpic How does @ian_leonard see it?  Weather in Green Bay will be h... on Twitpic Can someone point me in the direction of #GREEN Bay, #LAMBEAU... on Twitpic

Friday, November 11, 2011

Orange Race : Bear With Me


Just the facts Mam!
Happy Veterans Day to everyone in the United States Armed Forces!
God bless you for everything! 


The Orange Race details:
First I will give you a few money details;
I put women first in my example!

Day One
220 Women times $220.00 => $48,400.00
Minus 40 percent for National and State Taxes gives one person
who is the trainer exactly:
$48,400.00 minus $19,360.00 = $29,040.00

Day Two
440 Women times $220.00 => $96,800.00
Minus 40 percent for National and State Taxes gives one person
who is the trainer exactly:
$96,800.00 minus $38,720.00 = $58,080.00

Day Three
660 Women times $220.00 => $145,200.00
Minus 40 percent for National and State Taxes gives one person
who is the trainer exactly:
$145,200.00 minus $58,080.00 = $87,120.00

Day Four
880 Women times $220.00 => $193,600.00
Minus 40 percent for National and State Taxes gives one person
who is the trainer exactly:
$193,600.00 minus $77,440.00 = $116,160.00

Day Five +(~~+~~)+ ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
1100 Women times $220.00 => $242,000.00
Minus 40 percent for National and State Taxes gives one person
who is the trainer exactly:
$242,000.00 minus $96,800.00 = $145,200.00

Ok so these are money figures that you can use to grow your empire.
I call the $220.00 that must be paid in order to be trained the
DOUBTING THOMAS fee.  Why do I call it that?  I will give you three reasons.

Reason Number One => DOUBTING THOMAS – the word DEBT begins with the
letter D and ends with the letter T.
Reason Number Two => DOUBTING THOMAS – the Dow Jones and the 401K.
I do not believe in sending money to Wall Street and rely on people I have never
met or have any confidence in to manage my money.  People who do rely on
Wall Street need to have their heads examined to see if they have any brain
matter left.
Reason Number Three => DOUBTING THOMAS going back , Way back, there
was one person who just couldn’t believe without touching the wounds after
Jesus reappeared to his disciples.  Right now there are over 300 million
DOUBTING THOMASES in the United States.  How do I know this? Because
you all are waiting for the right moment to test the waters.  Like a lost and
desperate Water Buffalo praying that the prey on the other side does not
do him any harm.

OK Words to Challenge you to action. Now I have given you the Doubting
Thomas figures in the examples I used with women.  This will never change
but you will need to know why the figures are set that way.  Why $220.00
and why not say $10,000.00?

To be eligible to be in the Orange Race you will have to pony up at the
minimum $10,000.00.  I just used the Doubting Thomas figures to show you
how to raise more than enough money to be eligible.  If you just sit there and
do nothing but complain, LIFE WILL PASS YOU BYE BYE

Jesus Words
MATTHEW 25: 1 to 25:11 ( Happy Veterans Day)
25   Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto
ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet
the bridegroom.
2     And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3     They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil
with them:
4     But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5     While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and
6     And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the
bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7     Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
8     And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil;
for our lamps are gone out.
9     But the wise answered, saying not so; lest there be not
enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell,
and buy for yourselves.
10    And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came;
and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage:
and the door was shut.
11    Afterward came also the other virgins, saying Lord, Lord,
open to us.

Now on Thanksgiving 2011, I will continue with how to accomplish
a balanced attack on the National Debt.  Please stay tuned and again
if you can read this hug a teacher, thank a veteran, and God bless
you all.

I will leave you today with a video from Carrie Underwood.  In the 
Orange Race there is no cheating so if you decide that no one will
ever know and you think you can get away with cheating, I am going
to hire an enforcer!!!

Respectfully in TRUTH,

Leslie Frazier, Mike Singletary, #Soldier #Field Can you read... on Twitpic Can someone point me in the direction of #GREEN Bay, #LAMBEAU... on Twitpic And the sign says You got to have a Membership Card to get in... on Twitpic

Orange Race
National Debt Training
Green Bay to Colorado Springs
Summer of Sweetness
Get prepared!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Move Mountains with Sarah Bella

Move Mountains with Sarah Bella

So I was searching the Internet for Singer/Songwriters.
I am in the process of forming the
A mixture of 360,000 Women from a 5 State area.
What is the CIRCLE OF LIGHT you ask?
When they are completely organized, the
CIRCLE OF LIGHT will be a force to be reckoned  with
unlike the world has ever seen.  You see the
CIRCLE OF LIGHT will be the first organization ever
in the great history of mankind to do the unthinkable.
Take on the National Debt.  You know that 14 Trillion Dollar
and rising behemoth that no one has ever bothered to tackle.

So, like I was saying before , I was searching the Internet for
a singer/songwriter to help me in my mission.  The mission
to move mountains of debt away from the good ol USA
and put us back on track.  It will probably take a few hail Mary’s
and a couple of miracles but I am ready.  I’m past ready, I’m
chomping at the bit.
And then I found her.  Her name is Sarah Bella.  Her song is
Move Mountains. Here you go take a look.  The lyrics are below
the video. ENJOY:

© 2011 Sarah Bella
A helpless hand, you'd love to grab
Right through your TV screen
A mama cries
You wanna dry her eyes
But don't think you can do anything
But maybe you can
Fold your hands, bow your head

Maybe we can move mountains
Don't you feel like trying?
I know it aint easy to do
But Im willing Im ready to move
mountains with you

The counters filled with so many different pills
and the bottle of liquor's on the floor
Day in night and night is day
and sometimes life don't seem worth living for
but just when it seems impossible
the phone rings in time for a miracle

Maybe we can move mountains
Don't you feel like trying?
I know it aint easy to do
But Im willing Im ready to move
mountains with you

She's been packing up for days
Says this loves been fading away
and just as she's about to leave
he falls on his knees
says call me crazy

but maybe we can move mountains
Don't you feel like trying?
I know it aint easy to do
But Im willing Im ready to move
mountains with you

Now, for the fun part.  If Sarah Bella would be so kind as to
join me in a CIRCLE OF LIGHT get together, we can discuss
details on this national debt thing.  As I am the master of
ceremonies among other fancy titles like Head of Angel
Promotions, it is pretty much SKY’S the LIMIT on where
you want to go with this.  I will be touring 5 States, after
I get Minnesota started.  I want to start the party in Green
Bay Wisconsin June 21st, 2012 for the official start of National
Debt Training tour that will end in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I think that would be a fitting place to end the tour with the
Rocky Mountains in the background, don’t you think.
Anyways, there will be more information coming up this summer
so please stay tuned.  And if you are one of the 72,000 women
in Minnesota who are ready to come on board this summer 2011,
all I can say is,

Respectfully in TRUTH

Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

Friday, May 20, 2011

Young Man's Blues with The Who and Writchristo

If you get a chance this summer go see Roger Daltry perform

The Who's classic TOMMY.

Here's a nice video with Keith Moon and the gang of Who-ligans

Respectfully in TRUTH

Christo Strom

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Leah Seawright : The Country and Angels 101

Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

From the desk of Chief Crazy Captain " Country " Christo



Dear Leah:

As the owner of a business in Minnesota, I would like to
invite you to answer a question. Ready Leah, ok here we


The equation is

0 + 0

Now, Leah before you answer I am going to stop you from
saying that the answer is zero.
Because in my National Debt Training Class I teach that the
answer is....
Well, you'll just have to come to one of my classes and find
But I will say this Leah. The answer will astound you. When you
leave one of my classes your EYES WILL SEE THINGS IN A WHOLE
DIFFERENT LIGHT. I PREFER ORANGE But that's just because I'm
a bit biased. It's my favorite color +(~~+~~)+

By the way, Leah, before I forget Happy Valentines day 2011.
After graduating from my class, one of the future Valentines
Just because.

Respectfully in TRUTH

and lastly, Leah if you comment on my video below
I will personally teach you how to erase the national debt
so there can be no mistaking my intentions +(~~+~~)+
And let Reba know that I'm coming to Nashville in 2012 or 2013.
Thanks +++

Chief Crazy Captain Christo


Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions